Logging a Ban

When banning or warning a player, you must log the event. Otherwise, this deems the issued ban or warning as null, and if the player appeals the action, it will be lifted. Please make sure that you provide adequate proof of the event.

All logs should be placed in the #player-warnings-and-bans channel in the Staff Discord server.


Make sure that you provide screenshots or videos with your warning or ban. This must show the offence, and can’t just be an image or video of you banning them.

Proof of Word

Another staff member’s word is not proof of the ban. There is one exception to this rule, and that’s if they’re on the staff management team.


Please also log in your own words what happened, and why you issued the ban


Please add the server, the player banned/warned if it is a warning or a ban, and any other staff members that are dealing with this issue.

Edit Info

If you need to update the info of the ban, please edit the message, do not make a new message, or add something under it. If as another staff member you need to edit the message, please copy it, make your changes, delete the old one and repost. Also, make sure you mark that the ban was placed by another person.

Example and Format Log bans should be laid out like so:

Players MC/Discord Name: Server: Punishment: Reason and Description: Proof (Video or Screenshot): Any Other Staff Members Also Dealing With The Case: