Disrespecting Players

If a player is being rude to another player on our network, then please follow the Minor chain. Based on what the player is saying, please use your judgment on if the first action should be a warning or a 30-minute ban.

We recommend if a racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist word is issued at anyone directly, it is hit with a life ban. If the word is just said, then warn the user. If they say the word again, then issue the ban.

Make sure that the player is not joking with a friend before you issue the ban or warning.

Death threats are also covered under disrespect


The same rules apply to staff and players. However, there are some extras. If a player is rude to you based on your staff action, undermines your authority, or is rude due to you being a staff member, then please warn, then follow the Minor ban chain.