Offensive Pet Names

If a player has a weapon, pet or item with an offensive name, please ask them to change the name, before taking action. If they don’t use the /invsee command and take the item from them. Also, issue a warning.

We recommend if a racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist word is issued at anyone directly, it is hit with a life ban. If the word is just said, then warn the user. If they say the word again, then issue the ban.

What is deemed as a banned name is as follows: – Any name that is racist, homophobic, transphobic sexist, or insults any religion or way of life

– Any name that points fun or references impactful historical events – Any name that makes fun of disabilities

If you’re unsure, please ask in the staff Discord server.

What is not deemed offensive This network is built for people over the age of 13. Please do not be too strict on the names you’re warning/banning for. We allow swearing on our servers, and references to sexual activities providing they’re not too explicit.