Chain of Punishment

A player can get a max of 2 warnings on our network before they get a ban. They will then get a 30 minute, 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, and finally a life ban.

If a player receives a 3rd warning, they will automatically get a 3-day ban from our network.

Everything in this document will let you know if it is a minor or major offence, and our recommendations will be marked in red. You don’t need to fully follow these, but it will give you an idea of how our system should work.

Minor Offence

In a Minor Offence, the player should be warned. If the player then causes a second offence, based on your judgment give a second warning or a 30-minute ban. We will recommend what you should give in this document, but you’re the one dealing with the issue at the end of the day, so it’s your final judgment.

After the second warning, we then move to 30 minutes, 3-hour ban, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, Life. Like all other offences.

Major Offence

Anything Major will only be given one warning, or in some cases, no warning before a ban. Again this is down to your judgment at the time. Bans should start with a 3-hour ban, 3 days, then 3 weeks, then 3 months, and then last Life. However, you may need to contact a higher member of staff to issue the life ban.

Mixing Major and Minor

If a player has been doing both Major and Minor offences on our network, follow the Major ban path. Let’s put this into an example.

The player has just had a 3-day ban on our servers for a Major offence, they then come back and commit a Minor one, then will then lead to a 3-week ban, rather than a warning.